Beginner lessons focus on small motor control, dexterity, and basic kitchen skills.
Intermediate lessons focus on recipe independence, intro to sharp knives and stovetop safety.
Advanced lessons focus on sharp knife skills, oven safety and making meals independently.
Below is the full eCourse Curriculum Map demonstrating the video lesson topics, skills taught, food and recipes used and age level integrations. It’s the entire scope and sequence of the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse.
Scroll over the image to see the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels as well as Module Integrations (no Common Core included btw):
If you can’t view the embedded PDF above (or if it’s too big or too little to read), tap HERE to view it as a PDF on your device.
I really really want to cook with my kids, but it is usually faster to just do it myself. As much as I want to, I know I will not, without a curriculum, be intentional to do this. We did the knife video and the kids LOVED it. I was amazed at how much they learned!!! And how well they applied it at dinner prep that night!